A web front end for existing Imperial College Service Desk software so that users can access the problem ticketing system and check status directly.
Designing the Landing Page
- Contents of landing page are largely dictated by existing application
- Marval API is used to link up with core CGI and database.
- Users are able to create tickets or view existing requests.

Template for Adding Incidents to the Database
- Query information is largely based on existing database fields
- Interaction via CGI into Marval Database
- Once form completed, a new incident is flagged and forwarded to the Service Desk or the appropriate IT person.

Template for Viewing Current Incidents in the Database
- Screen allows current users to read into existing Service Desk database.
- Its possible to update current problems so as to notify relevant staff in charge of this problem.

03 Feb 2010 21:45:24 – I Like This!
01 Jun 2010 17:32:02 – I Like This!
03 Mar 2012 20:50:11 – I Like This!