E-commerce website featuring relaxation and skincare products by UK Spa design and management company. The project involved client checkout and ordering process embedded in existing Content Management solution.
Development of The Checkout Process
- Enabling taxes and currency assignment based on IP address geo-location
- Assigning and applying promotional codes,
- Ajax-based interaction and shopping cart review
- Payment and warehouse integration
- Order confirmation email
- Integration into existing Sitefinity CMS templating.
- As well as several other related features..

The Checkout Process – Part 2
- VAT calculations on last minute changes
- User Experience – Ajax accordion UI features
- Credit card detail verification
- Payment integration
- Warehouse order forwarding

Developing the Shopping Experience
- Integrating the bespoke ASP.NET shopping cart into the existing website
- Developing enhanced user-experience components such as wishlist for favourite products
- Reviewing and testing complete process

Designing Email Feedback
- Creating suitable email layouts based on design specifications
- Testing on email clients such Gmail, MSN, Outlook, Yahoo etc
- Integrating with existing order system after warehouse confirmation

Tracking and Logging User Access
- Desigining object and database model for logging and user/product tracking
- Integrating model into existing website infrastructure
- Testing high usage volumes
- Producing email reports looking at statistics on number of orders, products purchased etc
03 Feb 2010 21:45:24 – I Like This!
11 Feb 2010 12:43:32 – I Like This!